Constant Reflection

We would not want our pupils staring at a screen for 7-8 hours a day under normal circumstances and this ideally should not be happening with distance learning. Of course, it will require some trial-and-error before the right balance of offline/ online learning is achieved. Form Tutors and teachers will help you to assess what you are seeing at home and what we need to adjust. However, it is fair to suggest that most are using assistive technology more at this particular time.

The relationship between that central triumvirate (school-home-pupil) will be in deeply uncharted waters and we will all need to show care and common sense in maintaining and developing new patterns of working. To do this, we will all have to become sensitive to the need to reflect on our abilities and provision.

Below is a list of some Frequently Asked Questions

These Questions will be regularly updated as more queries come to our attention.
Please check back regularly as this area may have the answer to your question

What is the Google Suite? How does Google Classroom Work?

An excellent summary of the Google environment has been launched by Google themselves and is entitled Teach From Home: HERE

How do you log in to Google?

Simply visit Google and the pupils use their school email and their password to log in. This suite can be accessed via almost any device and is not specific to Chromebooks.
Should your child have forgotten their login details, please contact Mr. Hartley (ihartley@mowdenhall.co.uk).

I am struggling to motivate my child to work at home, what should I do?

Do not do battle with them. Contact school and ask for support and guidance. Remember, you are excellently placed to decide what is right for your children. Not doing some school work, in the larger picture, is not the end of the world.

I simply cannot manage the distance learning that is going on around me: too many emails and too many ‘logins’!

Every home situation will be different. Use the resources to suit you. If they are not suiting you, feel free to disregard. The teachers will not be upset or worried. Again, contact school for support - there will always be someone to speak to you.

We have multiple children of different ages in the house - how can I possibly ensure all of them are well catered for?

The short answer is: you cannot. Teachers train for a reason and even after that training we are learning all the time. Do what you can in what time you have available. Focus on those aspects that are either more critical or more interesting for them.

There are so many options available online - should I be encouraging my child to do them?

Again, take a common sense approach. Do what they enjoy in the first instance, but do not feel that you need to use these. There has been a proliferation of choice and this can be difficult to navigate. The best resources and sites we have found are summarised below.

How much work should we be doing?

There is a huge amount of conflicting advice about this and you will read much about it online. Our full normal school timetable is very much the best case scenario. As mentioned earlier, you may choose to adopt a scaled back version as suggested by our generic timetables in Appendix B. There will be some days/weeks where no work is possible as events overtake you and you deal with crises at home and within the family.

My child is worried about being behind their peers - how do I manage this?

Reinforce the messages within this booklet of advice - we all need to do what we can with the resources at our disposal. If all else fails, ask a teacher to get in touch to help them understand the situation.

Members of our family are unwell, what should we do with regard to completing work?

At all times we must prioritise our health and our families. If you are worried, again, focus on the basics that can be done with minimal supervision. If it helps, keep the School or the Form Tutor updated with any situational changes.

I am really struggling to get hold of someone at school - what should I do?

Follow the advice and list of contacts within this document (Appendix D). It may be that systems are down or the member of staff in question is unable to receive a message, for whatever reason. Given time, all messages will be responded to, it may just be a case of waiting.

Are there any good online resources?

There has been a proliferation of superb online initiatives and the reality of social isolation and distancing has set in. HERE is a brief summary of what we have come across so far. It is important to note that there is no expectation or obligation for parents to access these sites for, or on behalf of, their children, but some of them may be worth considering.

If you feel that the question you have has not been addressed in the FAQs above, please do get in touch to discuss it with a relevant member of staff or follow the email link below.